Why Am I So Anxious?

Many clients come to me asking how they can get rid of their anxiety. They often come with questions about why they are anxious in the first place, and are looking for answers about what anxiety is, where it comes from and how they can be free of it. The answer is that anxiety is […]
Existential Crisis at Uni? It happens.

“They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn” Seneca The Younger University can be an incredibly difficult time, for all kinds of reasons including pressure, money, and friendships. Student anxiety and mental health issues can be made even worse when others say “These are the best […]
Get on with it!

Are you making yourself more stressed by being in a hurry to get stuff done? How do you feel when you’ve got things to do? Perhaps you start to feel anxious about getting on with things; maybe you love to get everything ticked off your list as early in the day as possible; or you […]
Are You Acting Like a Child?

Why we find ourselves becoming more childish in certain situations Do you ever notice that in certain situations or with certain people, you often find yourself acting in a way that you feel upset with when you look back at yourself? Perhaps you find yourself feeling small around certain types of people, or you throw […]
Is it time to stop being strong?

Do you feel that it is your duty to be strong, and never let your guard down? Perhaps you think that feelings are a weakness, and you should power through life on your own. You like to keep a safe distance from people, and maybe you feel your role is to be the protector. Being […]
Top Five Benefits of Online Counselling

Having your personal therapy sessions online via your laptop or mobile phone is a really fantastic option for many of my clients. In this blog, I will give a few insights into how it works and what the benefits are. I’ll also help you decide if online counselling is for you. What is online counselling? […]
The Power of a Safe Space

This week I’ve been reflecting on the power of providing safety in the counselling room, be that a physical space or online. In many ways the safety to speak your truth is the most sacred part of counselling. It means that you can voice those thoughts that you thought you could never speak out loud: […]

Ever noticed that you are always saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’? Ever been determined to put yourself first for a while only to realise that you have fallen into the same patterns yet again? This blog can help you to use your body language to recognise the signs and make choices that […]
Can’t Stand Someone? It could be your Shadow Side.

Ever had a reaction to a person that seems way out of proportion to what they’ve done? Ever felt so strongly about the way a person acts that you can’t stand to be around them, even though it doesn’t really impact you? This could be a clue to your shadow side. What is the Shadow? […]
Finding Balance – Reduce your Stress Levels by Being More Assertive

Do you often find that you agree to things you don’t really want to do, or feel as though other people are making you do things? Perhaps you tell yourself that it is easier to let other people have their way, to keep the peace or to not rock the boat? Maybe you believe that […]