Can’t Stand Someone? It could be your Shadow Side.

Ever had a reaction to a person that seems way out of proportion to what they’ve done? Ever felt so strongly about the way a person acts that you can’t stand to be around them, even though it doesn’t really impact you? This could be a clue to your shadow side. What is the Shadow? […]
Finding Balance – Reduce your Stress Levels by Being More Assertive

Do you often find that you agree to things you don’t really want to do, or feel as though other people are making you do things? Perhaps you tell yourself that it is easier to let other people have their way, to keep the peace or to not rock the boat? Maybe you believe that […]
What’s the meaning of life?

I often hear people say that all they want is to be happy. My next question is usually to ask them “what would make you happy?” Perhaps surprisingly, many of us just don’t know the answer. Happiness is actually a fleeting, momentary emotion, a short burst of euphoria or a quick glimpse of joy. I […]
Worried about climate change? It could be Eco-Anxiety.

As I write this post, it is the first day of the Global Climate Strike, where 150 countries are coming together to protest and raise awareness of the urgent need for action. Over the past week, I have had several discussions with friends and colleagues about the need for changes to government policies across the […]