Get on with it!

Are you making yourself more stressed by being in a hurry to get stuff done? How do you feel when you’ve got things to do? Perhaps you start to feel anxious about getting on with things; maybe you love to get everything ticked off your list as early in the day as possible; or you […]

Is it time to stop being strong?

Do you feel that it is your duty to be strong, and never let your guard down? Perhaps you think that feelings are a weakness, and you should power through life on your own. You like to keep a safe distance from people, and maybe you feel your role is to be the protector. Being […]


People pleaser

Ever noticed that you are always saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’? Ever been determined to put yourself first for a while only to realise that you have fallen into the same patterns yet again? This blog can help you to use your body language to recognise the signs and make choices that […]

How to use your body language to find out what really drives you

I find body language an absolutely fascinating subject. Looking at what we are saying with our bodies is a big part of what happens in the counselling process, and shedding light on what our bodies are telling us, and other people, can be the key to unlocking all kinds of inner jumble that has been […]